An Effective Guide to Decluttering Your Home Before A Cross-Country Move

Planning a cross-country move is an exciting time to explore new possibilities, career opportunities, and locations to live in depending on your purpose for moving. When you are in the planning stages of an out-of-state move, there are a few decluttering tips and tricks to keep in mind to lighten the load once your big moving date arrives. With enough planning and adequate preparation, feel positive rather than bogged down and overwhelmed with your cross-country move.

Start Early

As soon as you begin the process of searching for a new home or place of living, begin organizing and cleaning out individual rooms throughout your home. Rather than waiting until the week before your scheduled moving date, get started as early as possible to have more time to properly label, donate, sell, pack, and organize all of your items and personal belongings. The earlier you start the packing process, the less likely you are to feel frazzled, discombobulated and overwhelmed once your final moving date begins to approach.

Declutter One Room at a Time

Work through one room in your home at a time to prevent overloading your mind with various tasks that ultimately slow you down and cause you to waste time. Choose to work through one room at a time, cleaning it, organizing items, and labeling belongings you intend to move with and those you intend to sell, donate or give away to those you know. Create multiple piles in each room you are working in: keep, sell, donate, and give away.

Label Appropriately

Use printed labels or permanent marker to label each box you pack once you begin decluttering rooms throughout your apartment or home. Label your boxes according to the type of contents each box contains and whether or not you intend to keep the items with you during the move or if you plan to donate and sell the items in an upcoming yard sale you are hosting.

Host a Yard Sale

Plan a yard sale before your official moving date arrives. Invite family members and friends who may take additional items and furnishings you are unable to sell before moving off of your hands. You can also give other items you no longer want and cannot sell to those you know prior to moving. Hosting a yard sale before moving is not only a great way to expedite the decluttering of your home, but it is also useful to help raise additional funds to assist with the moving and shipping of your remaining furnishings and personal belongings for your cross-country move.

Get Excited

The mere thought of decluttering your entire home, rummaging through old boxes, and organizing all of your belongings may stress you out and cause you to feel overwhelmed. However, it is possible to feel more optimistic about planning a cross-country move. Pump yourself up and get excited about the opportunity to move into a new location with fresh surroundings, shops, and cultures.

Taking the time to declutter your home while planning for your cross-country move ahead of time is a way to make the most out of the packing and transporting process. When you feel prepared and ready to move without taking all of your clutter with you, maintain a positive attitude and outlook as you relocate to a new home and place of living.

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